I’ve been lucky, in more ways than one. I’m in a stable and happy relationship, I have three beautiful children, and I also didn’t have two children under two at the same point. Because, as all parents actually know, the terrible twos are a real thing, and it is terrible.
But having two at that same age, at the same time? When nap time becomes a game of stealth as you try to juggle two sleep cycles that will break at a moment’s notice? Imagine trying to go out – with both of them upset for separate things. Cleaning the house is impossible, and finding adequate child care must be even harder. And the sheer horror that is… changing time.
It’s the sort of things that unsung heroes of the household have to go through every day, and I wish I could do more than just talk them up. But if you can raise two toddlers, at the same time? Or, even more than that? You have my all of my respect. Especially women like Hannah Murphy, who shared her experience with SheKnows. Read her full list of adventures with toddlers, right here.
Read the Full Article: 11 struggles of having two kids under 2
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