The Threats that CBS Might Bring to Your Children

Baby equipment always seems like a wonderful tool to keep your children safe and happy. But it turns out they might not be the best thing in the world for your babies. Kate with Mommycon has been looking into it, and it seems that CBS might be a real threat for your kids.

“Container Baby Syndrome” (CBS) is a collection of movement, behavior and other problems that develop due to a baby spending too much time in baby equipment that resembles a “container” (e.g. car seat, swing, stroller, rocker, nursing cushion, vibrating chair). 

A “container” is any piece of baby equipment that keeps the baby locked in one position, which is typically flexed and reclined with container walls reducing the visual field. Being in this position more frequently than in other positions (e.g. on tummy, side-lying or being held) results in muscle imbalance.

The baby may likely have difficulty meeting age-expected milestones starting from lifting her head. She also has less motivation to turn her head because the container walls typically reduce the visual field, which hinders the development of peripheral vision and neck strength.

This lack of freedom to explore and learn from her surroundings visually and physically promotes weakness as the baby does not practice weight shifting, rolling, kicking and hand/eye coordination as she would if given freedom on a flat surface.

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