Have you ever had one those days where you accidentally wake up early and it turns out to be a great productive morning? And you think, I should do this all of the time! Author Theresa Edwards made a goal of purposely waking up early and documented her first week in this entertaining piece. I laughed out loud at her portrayal of her new routine. Caution, a tiny bit of profanity.
Key Takeaways:
- I think waking up an hour earlier really could change my life if I thought I could keep it up.
- Waking up an hour before the kids, I felt like I spoke more to my daughter about things that weren’t her chores or homework status in one week than I had probably all school year.
- Waking up earlier does help with the daily routine, but convincing oneself to get out of bed early is difficult.
“As corny as it sounds, I think waking up an hour earlier really could change my life if I thought I could keep it up. I felt like I spoke more to my daughter about things that weren’t her chores or homework status in one week than I had probably all school year.”
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