My husband is not a stepdad or a first-time dad, he’s a father

A blog for parents has a piece about a first time father. The author is the mother of an eight year old girl. The author met her husband when the child was seventeen months old. This person took an interest in the child, cared for her, and adopted her after marrying the author. Now the couple is expecting their first child together, and people are asking her husband how it feels to be a first time dad. The author writes her husband is not a first time father, as he has been her daughter’s father for years.

Key Takeaways:

  • Step dads can very often be considered and play just as significant role as biological dads
  • When a stepfather makes all typical father decisions and cares about the child as if they were his it doesn’t matter if they are biologically related.
  • People should be sensitive to the fact that many step fathers could feel undervalued in the role of step dad when they have shown to have great intuition in taking on the role of a father.

“Family is family. There is no such thing as step or half. How can you half love someone?”

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