Postpartum depression robbed me of my baby’s first months, and I’m mad as hell

Postpartum Depression stole mother’s memories of child’s beginning of life.

An abnormal mental, physical, and emotional reality began, as she cared for her son in a remote manner, she felt nothing. It was postpartum depression.

Just meeting his needs was not enough, something was missing, she knew it, so she turned to social media. After scouring social media for anything, in which she could connect, nothing was found. Depression pressed in harder, the flight-or-fight mode took over, finally she broke and sat on the floor sobbing, until her husband came home from work.

She wasn’t fine as she kept telling everyone, the realization and acceptance of PPD had caused her to seek help. Currently, it is being managed and the mother now offers an Instagram page for other mothers seeking help on social media.

Key Takeaways:

  • postpartum depression is a real mental health issue that women experience that needs support and treatment.
  • postpartum depression can inhibit a mom’s ability to effectively bond and attach to their child.
  • Postpartum depression is often overlooked or swept under the rug.

“Eventually my PPD couldn’t be overlooked one fateful day when my husband found me on the floor, sobbing with my crying son.”

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