Giving children ample opportunity to play is recognized globally as critical for their emotional health, as well as the development of self-confidence, resilience, and social skills. According to Boston College psychology professor Peter Gray, Ph.D., kids need unstructured time to play with other children without the guidance or influence of adults. Children need to figure out through play what things they want to do and how they want to do them, in order to develop into happy and successful grown-ups.
Key Takeaways:
- Unstructured play time is recognized globally as a fundamental right of all of the world’s children.
- Unstructured play time without adult interference benefits childrens’ social and emotional development.
- Play, especially with peers, is how children learn to manage fear, grow courage, and problem-solve.
“According to the United Nations, play is a fundamental human right to which all children must have access. It is vital for mental health, developing social skills and building confidence and resilience.”
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