It’s been a minute since I talked about podcasts and how great they are for pumping sessions. The last time I podded and pumped (pumped and pod’d? someone please come up with a better term for this!) was a while ago, so I feel like I should update my recommendations a little for what’s hot in podcast land (podlandia!). Because why pump in silence if you can pump and pod? Bonus: while you might enjoy a good murder podcast, I’ve specifically left OUT podcasts that might veer into more upsetting territory, because who wants to think about murder while pumping? OK, some people really love their murder podcasts! But still.
- Ask A Clean Person. What’s better than pumping and learning about the best sponges to use??? No seriously, I sound like I’m joking, but it’s a delight.
- Last Seen: Art heist miniseries, A+ bingeable episodes.
- The Babysitter’s Club Club slash 1998: The Podcast. I 100% suggest you simply go back and listen to all of the BSCC episodes from the beginning, because they aren’t tied down to the news cycle or anything like that. The hosts finished the BSCC books and have moved on with a new show about 1998 culture, but give yourself the gift of the BSCC episodes if you haven’t already, as they’ll last you many a pumping session indeed.
- Why Won’t You Date Me: Nicole Byer might be best known right now for her hosting of Nailed It on Netflix, but her podcast is a (explicitly dirty, I warned you!!!) treat.
- Lizard People: Pump to stand-up comics trying to make the case for various conspiracy theories! What could be better?!
- Reply All: PJ Vogt’s laugh ALONE is worth subscribing.
One final note about pumping, since we’re on the subject. Can I be honest? I hated pumping. I mean, maybe this isn’t really a confession at all. Maybe some people like pumping, but I have yet to meet anyone who has gushed to me about how they loved having to take time during the workday to hole up in a windowless (or worse, room with ill-functioning blinds on existing windows) room to pump. I have left meetings, missed calls, skipped meals (pro tip, this is super unhelpful to keeping a supply up!), and tried to type emails while pumping, and I can honestly say the only thing that kept me semi-not-hating-everything-and-burning-down-the-world during those times was having something positive to focus on, like a podcast, or music, literally anything but listening to the grinding grunts of the pump whirring away on its own.
Don’t lose heart or hope if pumping makes you miserable. It will not be forever. And don’t torture yourself. I pushed my body, and when it was done, it was done, and that was that. (There were more feelings involved, but for the sake of brevity, I’ll say that was that…) Take heart. You can do this. And if you can’t, you can’t, and that, too, is something you can take heart in. You are enough no matter what your supply is and how long it lasts.
And don’t forget, above all, to pack your headphones to drown out that darn pump.
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