My body is not wrong
My body is not shameful
If you don’t like what you see
Turn around
Turn around
Cause I’m dancing just for me
For this body I am grateful
If you don’t like what you see
Turn around
Turn around
Turn around
Y’all, when I first listened to Heather Mae’s “I Am Enough” song, I listened all the way through, then went back and listened to it again, then found it on YouTube so I could watch the video of it, I loved it so much. While the song isn’t specifically about motherhood, postpartum bodies or breastfeeding, so much of it immediately put me right back into the times when I hid in the back of the car to breastfeed, or felt self-conscious going to the pool postpartum, or feeling like my body wasn’t doing what it was supposed to be doing when I struggled with breastfeeding.
But listen to this song and TRY to feel negative about your amazing awesome self and body, just try! I dare you! See, you just cannot!
So much of society wants to make us feel like our bodies are shameful. That feeding our kids with them is something we should cover up and hide, that our postpartum bodies need to be “fixed” and gotten back to the way they were before. And we might want that too, and that’s okay! But the level of shame tossed casually as moms like little grenades wears a person down after a while. The snide comments about “mom jeans,” (excuse u, they are COMFORTABLE on my different body!), “mommy blogging” like it’s less-than, women constantly being eyeballs if they try to breastfeed in public (it is LEGAL, if you don’t like what you see, turn around, turn around, turn around!) — all of that stuff stacks up and sometimes a girl just wants to feel like maybe she is, in fact, not broken! That she is worthy! That her body is Good, and not just good, I mean Good like capital G, no bones about it Good.
Go on, listen to it again! I’ll wait.
Now, are you ready to rock your amazing magnificent postpartum breastfeeding body to wherever it is you’re going today? Target? Let me get a hell yeah. Aldi? Another hell yeah please. The pool? I would like a hell yes, please and thank you.
You’re amazing. Your body is not wrong, your body is not shameful, let anyone who gives you the side-eye or complains to turn around, turn around, turn around!
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