It’s almost summer, and all you ginger-kid mamas know what that means: time to make that summer shopping trip…for sun-proofing your fragile ginger babe! We practiced Weasleys know what’s up, but if this is your first summer with a redheaded kiddo, I — Mom to a Ginger! — am here with all the summertime carrot-topped tips you need.
- Sunblock. Repeat, sunblock sunblock SUNBLOCK. Just add that straight to your Prime subscription list now — no point in trying to avoid the unavoidable. If your ginger is going outside this summer (say to the pool with you wearing this cute breastfeeding-friendly swimwear), they’re going to have to be properly greased up first.
- Sunblock not only for your kiddo but FOR YOUR BOOBS. Trust me, I know it sounds a little weird, but if you’re planning on being outside a lot and you’re breastfeeding, don’t forget to sunblock skin that’s going to be exposed to the sun! There is nothing worse than having to pump at work after a sun-filled weekend and being BURNED on your BOOBS. Honestly this is just all-around advice for anyone, not just gingers. Just a summertime tip for everyone here!
- Sunhat. Do not pass go, do not collect $200 if your ginger isn’t wearing a sunhat from May through, oh, November to be honest.
- S U N S C R E E N
- T-shirt for swimming in (high five to all the fair ladies who remember this from their childhood — nothing says summer like a cold wet shirt clinging to you in the pool because mom insists!!)
- Comebacks for all the people in public who eyeball your kid then say, “I hope they’re wearing sunscreen!” because it’s gonna happen, and you’re gonna be annoyed that you put in all this effort sunblock-ing them, and people are still judging you! It’s like people just want to make SURE you’re doing this momming thing right.
- Maybe one of those umbrella hats for some extra shade? Or a parasol.
- Camera for the adorable freckles they might begin showing.
- Extra hat for the car in case the regular hat gets lost or forgotten, because 100000% can assure you that’s going to happen at some point.
- Wear sunscreen
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