Written by Candace Inge

As your pregnancy progresses and you begin to feel more like yourself again, you may notice an urge to clean, organize, and prepare for baby. It is my understanding this can happen whether this is your first, fifth, or tenth child. The urge to organize is often referred to as nesting. Many wive’s tale say that once you begin nesting, you are ready to deliver. I certainly hope that is not the case, as I am nesting big time at 18 weeks pregnant. While it is more common to experience nesting later in your pregnancy, it can happen at any stage. Also, not all women experience the nesting instinct and that is fine too.
Some of the necessary nesting you may want to consider, even if you’re not feeling the urge, is to prepare a place for baby to sleep, clothing, diapers, a car seat, and a plan for feeding whether that is breastfeeding or bottle feeding. Most hospitals and birth centers like to confirm that your car seat is properly installed before the baby even arrives.
Nesting Precautions:
Although most doctors and midwives do not put limitations on nesting capabilities, it is good to remain mindful of how pregnancy is changing your body. For example: you may find yourself being a bit more clumsy or off balance so consider delegating tasks that involve ladders or reaching above your head for a prolonged period of time.
When cleaning while nesting, be mindful of what you are exposing yourself and baby to. You may want to consider switching bleach and other strong cleaners for something less harsh. Also, consider wearing gloves while cleaning if that is not something you do not do already.
Remember, it is ok to ask someone for help. You do not want to wear yourself out too much and more than likely, your partner wants to be involved more than you may realize.
Nesting Triggers According to Season:
Fall/Winter: Your urges may be caused by feeling like you are cooped up inside without a lot to do. Although most people are excited to get outside after being stuck inside during cold weather, you might start feeling the need to paint, purchase, and organize.
Spring/Summer: Due to the increasing heat which may not allow you to be outside as much as you want, some women begin nesting due to boredom, much like the fall and winter nesters.
No matter what season your baby will be born in, the excitement of baby’s impending arrival is typically a key culprit to the urge and instinct to nest. Sometimes holidays or family gathering may trigger nesting as well.
No matter if you have nesting fever or do not even feel an itch to nest at all, remember to enjoy this time. If this is your first baby, relish the quiet and uninterrupted sleep. If this is your second, third, or even more than that, enjoy the time with your other children as much as possible before the new baby occupies a lot of you time. Younger kids may not understand the changes happening, especially once the baby arrives so try to make them feel involved in any way you can. It is also important to make your pets feel comfortable and understand any necessary boundaries. You may want to let pets sniff around the nursery as new things arrive so that they are less shocked when the baby arrives. (Refer to blog post “National Pet Day”.)
Happy Nesting!
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