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- A playdate you didn’t really want to go to gets cancelled.
- The PTA meeting gets cancelled.
- Honestly anything gets cancelled.
- When you find a box of Cheerios in your car that isn’t stale.
- Finding a parking space right next to the cart return.
- Already-broken toys at the playground so you don’t have to worry about your kids breaking them.
- Your kid thinks a healthy snack is a treat.
- Swim class registration doesn’t fill up in the first thirty seconds of going live on the website.
- School aftercare doesn’t fill up in the first thirty seconds of going live on the website…
- The babysitter shows up on time.
- The babysitter gets the kids down for bed and does not fall for “MOM lets me stay up this late” cons, and all kids are asleep when you get home.
- There are boxes of blue box mac and cheese in the cabinet when you need them most.
- It’s sunny as heck but nobody had missed-spot sunburn anywhere.
- Bee sting but no reaction!
- Child picks the easiest costume idea for Halloween.
- Kid forgets you forgot allowance.
- They fall asleep in the car.
- They fall asleep anywhere.
- Please. Sleep.
- Zzzzzzzz…
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