In the true spirit of being a strong, independent woman who don’t need no man, a female Komodo dragon at the Chattanooga Zoo has given birth to three live hatchlings- without the help of a male partner.

This phenomenon, known as parthenogenesis, is a natural form of asexual reproduction in which the development of an embryo occurs without fertilization by sperm. Parthenogenesis is incredibly rare, only occurring in about 0.1% of all vertebrates, and is believed to have evolved in Komodo dragons due to their generally isolated nature and violent tendencies when approached.
This particular female Komodo dragon, known as Charlie, was placed in an enclosure with a potential male mate, named Kadal, in hopes of reproducing. When Charlie gave birth to three brothers in August of 2019, the Chattanooga Zoo was unable to confirm if the hatchlings were, in fact, Kadal’s offspring. So, they ordered a DNA test.
It turns out that Charlie decided that Kadal wasn’t a worthy mate, so she did what any self-respecting parthenogenetic woman would- she got the job done herself, resulting in 3 virgin births.
The Chattanooga Zoo CEO and President, Dardenelle Long, has released a press release expressing their excitement over being able to witness such a rare physiological process.
“It is so rewarding for our entire staff to experience and witness the miracle of these hatchlings. We are so excited to have these offspring and look forward to continuing to educate others and work to save this species in the wild.”
Needless to say, Charlie has confirmed what we have all long suspected: moms really can do it all!
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