Mood disorders such as depression are extremely common. Author Kelley Clink has lived with depression since she was a teenager. Recently, she opened up about how her journey with depression caused doubts about being a mother and how she overcame these doubts to become exactly the type of mother that her son needs.
Being a mom is scary for anyone. There is always a worry of some sort in the back of your mind, but this worry comes from a deep and profound love of another human. A persistent worry of Clinkâs is that her depression would affect her parenting and that her child would suffer as well. She asked herself if she was capable of caring for someone else and whether or not she deserved to.
It all comes down to having compassion for yourself and engaging in acts of self-care. Everyone needs help from time to time, and there is no shame in asking for it. We cannot get through life alone, so take advantage of any support that you can get. Clink finds that this has helped her immensely.
Read the full article here: Author Kelley Clink Opens Up About Motherhood and Depression
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