Being a working parent is one of those things that never stops being on your mind. No matter what side of things you’re in the middle of, at work or being Mom, you’re always going to be thinking of how to juggle both. But what if you could combine the two?
Sometimes, it seems like it could work, and but on the other hand, it opens you up to the unprompted criticism from others. IBM employee and inventor Lisa DeLuca decided to to try that, and brought her five month daughter to an industry conference. Despite only bringing her along to the final day of the event, when the conference hall has been for the most part empties, and while she was heloing packaging meals at the #StopHungerNow booth, when an older gentlemen confronted her about the “security risk” that her daughter posed.
Learn more about her story right here, and ask yourself – would you bring your children to the office if you could?
Read the Full Article: Would you take your baby to work if you could?
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