SAHMs with young kids: What does your routine look like?

As mothers, many of us wish our lives away as we struggle with the fact, we cannot be stay-at-home moms. But, do we really have a clear picture as to what that may involve, or do we simply see it as the opportunity to stay on top of things at home while in our pajamas and not leaving the house? Want a better picture as to the reality of a SAHM? Keep reading to learn what it’s like.

Key Takeaways:

  • Between caring for and entertaining the kids, preparing and cleaning up from meals, keeping the house moderately clean, school drop-off and pickup, naps and more, attempting to cram everything in is a daily struggle.
  • “What does your routine look like? How do you get it all done, give your kids the attention they need and have time for yourself?”
  • This mama shared that she wakes up early to squeeze in a workout, drink coffee and have alone time before her kids are up for the day.

“Wake up early to get a head start. Be productive when the kids are napping. Clean while they play. Stay up late to catch up on work. Or, just fly by the seat of your pants.”

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