Kids Who Do Chores Are More Likely to Be Successful Adults, Research Proves

Giving the kids chores teaches them many skills, so if they’re not assigned to a few jobs, you’re really providing kids with a disadvantage. In fact, new evidence suggest that kids who do chores while growing up are much more likely to be successful when they reach adulthood. If this sounds interesting to you, there is much more to know. CLick this article and all the important details you need to help your kids win is available.

Key Takeaways:

  • By doing chores as a child; studies have shown this to indicate better work ethic and factors of being a stable adult.
  • By doing chores children develop the mindset of “Get things done.” When parents do everything for their child they inhibit this development.
  • When complete task children learn the sense of accomplishment and understand the need to finish a task in a timely manner. As they get older this translate to efficiency on working hard to earn money.

“A 20-year study by the University of Minnesota found that doing chores at an early age β€” as early as 3 years old, in fact β€” is the best predictor for growing up into a young adult with a completed education, a career with a clear direction and healthy personal relationships with family and friends.”

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