Parenting Each Child Differently

It is more important once you learn what each child wants to treat them in a way they like attention. Ignoring Lion’s tantrums lead to an eventual meltdown if we ignored them. Panda would have tantrums every so often but if we left him alone they would go away in five minutes. Lion was a big rule follower while Panda would need strict boundaries in order to get him to listen. Equality in raising kids might make them feel less taken care of.

Key Takeaways:

  • Being a parent of multiple children provides many challenges when it comes to the style in which you parent each child.
  • Different approaches for each child in parenting situations is necessary a lot of the time as it helps in the cases of handling tempers, getting them to pay attention and when following rules.
  • Getting to know each child’s personality and adapting decisions and methods to what fits their needs can prove to successful in parenting differently.

“I don’t think parenting differently will work in every situation and I don’t doubt that there will be times where the kid feel they are not being treated equally.”

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