If you are pregnant and think you could have the flu, contact your doctor immediately. Common symptoms of the flu include the chills, a cough and/or sore throat, lethargy, headaches, and body aches. Some symptoms can last a week or even longer. The flu can be particularly dangerous if you are pregnant because your immune system isn’t functioning optimally, so you are more prone to complications such as pneumonia. Your doctor can prescribe Tamiflu or Relenza, antiviral medications that will help kill the virus and alleviate your symptoms.
Key Takeaways:
- Common symptoms that may suggest the onset of the flu include, coughing, chills,exhaustion, body aches and fever.
- A headache, a stuffed up or runny nose, and vomiting, could also indicate that you have the flu.
- Pregnant women are more likely to develop pneumonia, because at the very time they require more oxygen junior is quashing their lungs.
“Health complications from the flu, such as pneumonia, can be serious and even deadly, especially if you’re pregnant or just had a baby.”
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