Written by Candace Inge
Although cold and flu season is nearing an end, summer colds are just around the corner. There are still plenty of germs to share at school, daycare, and the local playground. While proper handwashing is one of the best defenses against the spread of illness, we will catch things from time to time, especially our kids. Here are some easy home remedies to try for prevention and treatment. Always consult your doctor if symptoms persist or worsen. Also seek care if you, or your child has a fever over 102 F. *Always consult your doctor if you have any medical questions or concerns about you and/or your child’s health.*
Handwashing: Use soap and warm water washing your hands for at least 15 seconds. Be sure to get around your nails and between your fingers. This is important to do before eating, after coughing or sneezing, or after touching someone or something that may be infected. If soap and water are not available, consider using hand sanitizer.
Cover your cough and sneeze: A lot of illnesses are spread by what is known as spray and spatter. Spray and spatter are the tiny molecules that float through the air as a result of a cough or sneeze. Always cover your cough and sneeze.
Disinfect surfaces: There are many products that fight the cold and flu viruses. Be sure to check the label for such a quality, especially if someone in your home or at work has been diagnosed with a cold or flu. Even if no one around you has been ill, it is best to regularly disinfect commonly touched surfaces such as doorknobs, phones, sinks, and computer keyboards.
Eat healthy: A healthy diet is not only a good idea for a healthier lifestyle but it is a good way to prevent illness. Foods that are high in Vitamin C like citrus fruits and tomatoes, can help fight off illnesses. You may also want to consider taking a daily multivitamin.
Home Remedies:
Oregano Oil: Treats coughs, sore throat, chest congestion, colds, and flu symptoms. When purchasing oregano oil be sure to look for a P73 grade which is high quality, medicinal oils. Always follow the manufacturer’s dosage advice and do not exceed it. Oregano oil is very strong in taste so it is best to dilute it in water. You can also rub oregano oil on your chest to help clear chest congestion.
Ginger: Treats nausea and vomiting. You can buy ginger in powder, capsule, oil, and candy form. Consuming ginger has been proven to calm nausea inducing vomiting.
Probiotics: replaces beneficial stomach bacteria often lost during the flu and other illnesses. It is important when choosing a probiotic to get one that includes Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium which can also be found in yogurt.
Stay Hydrated: whether you have a cold, flu, or are not ill at all, staying well hydrated is extremely important to your overall health. Drink water often. When ill, it can be hard to drink enough so take small sips of water as often as possible.
Honey, lemon tea: Help soothe your sore throat and reduce cough. Brew a nice cup of herbal tea and add a spoonful or organic, local is possible, honey and lemon. It is a tasty and helpful treat.
Vitamins: While a lot of people already take a daily multivitamin to fill in dietary gaps, adding extra vitamin C and Zinc may also be a good idea during cold and flu season. Both vitamin C and Zinc boost your immune system. Adding vitamin B can help fight fatigue.
Echinacea: A natural immune booster that can be taken throughout cold and flu season to help prevent the flu as well as lessen symptoms.
Elderberry syrup: A natural way to boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, and sinus pain. Elderberry can help fight against the common cold, flu, and swine flu.
Always consult your doctor before using any natural remedies when you are sick, especially f you are pregnant or nursing. Dosage for your child may greatly vary from adult dosing so always check the manufacturer’s dosing instructions. If symptoms persist, worsen, or are accompanied but a fever of 102 F or higher, seek medical attention. These remedies are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure. These remedies are intended to make your everyday life a little bit easier!
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