Category: Commentary

Tips For Pumping In The Car

Given that moms today are moms on the go, it holds axiomatic that that ubiquitous second home to all of us busy bees, the car, would by default need to morph into a pumping room. While the situation is not exactly ideal, much can be done to make the transformation...

Managing Stress During Pregnancy

Stress is a word with a negative connotation, but should not be such a negative concept. It is important to accept that you are doing your best and to not stress about if that is enough, especially while pregnant. In your first trimester you can be zapped of energy. It...

7 Tips for a Smooth C-Section Recovery

Recovering from a C-section birth can be more difficult than a vaginal delivery. In order to make the recovery as smooth as possible, start by having as much as possible set at home. The more that is organized at home prior to the surgery means less to do after birth....

Making safe food choices during pregnancy

When you’re eating for two, it is important that you stay clear of any potentially harmful foods that can harbor bacteria and other dangerous risks. For instance, if you’re interested in consuming seafood, stay away from anything raw such as sushi. Make sure that all of your fish is cooked...

Postpartum Depression & Breastfeeding

Postpartum Depression (PPD) effects one in seven women after giving birth. The symptoms of PPD do not just impact the mother herself, but also the child. Some of the ways it can impact a child long-term are: sleep issues, developmental delays, and emotional disturbances. If the bonding time provided by...