Category: Commentary

Can you prevent infections during pregnancy?

Is it possible to prevent infections during pregnancy? The answer is sometimes. Washing hands regularly is one way to prevent colds, flu, and other common ailments. Do so before handling or eating food, after playing with animals, and after changing diapers or wiping runny noses. Vaccinations can also help you...

Do Pregnancy ‘Rules’ Really Matter?

This article breaks down a list of 10 rules pregnant women are supposed to follow. The article discusses each rule, and whether the rules mean absolutely no participation in that activity, or limited. It starts with the big rule, no alcohol while pregnant. While the article states it is good...

How to Deal With Aggression in Kids

Hitting and biting are two behaviors some children exhibit to the dismay of their parent. It is important to know that it is normal for the behavior, but just as imperative that you understand the importance of stopping the behavior before it becomes a problem. Identifying the underlying issues causing...

14 Tips for Traveling Light with Kids

Going on vacation by yourself or with a friend or two is a completely different story than going on vacation with one or more children. The implementation of children in this scenario often causes stress and chaos for new parents that are traveling. As a result, it is crucial for...