As a mama and a librarian, this is one of my favorite times of year: the time for planning how I’m going to read in the coming year. In the past I’ve done things like create a goal for how many books I want to read, I’ve participated in year-long...
The six-year-old (who is only two weeks away from becoming a seven-year-old. What is that about?!?) was in a local performance of The Nutcracker this year. She was a peppermint hoop. She loves to dance and perform. She’s been to see The Nutcracker every year since she was three. So...
Militant. Stringent. Uncompromising. These are all words you could use to describe our adherence to our bedtime ritual with our toddler. And you’d better believe it when I say I do not care how bad they make us sound, because it works! (Yes, yes, as soon as I type...
We can hardly believe that another year has already come and gone. As we reflect on 2016, we’re happy to share some of the highlights… In February we welcomed our fourth baby, Kid #4. She was born on February 20 at 6:23 AM. She weighed 8 pounds 8 ounces and was 20 inches long (we...
When it comes to finding the right mom group, things can get complicated fast. Does everyone have the same schedule as you? Do people have childrearing opinions that fundamentally clash with yours? Will there be snacks for the adults? Will someone judge you if you take some of the goldfish...
I love Christmas cards. Like, I LOVE them. A lot. They’re basically my favorite activity of the entire year. And yes, mine are Christmas cards. I know some people are politically correct and send Holiday Cards. But not me. We celebrate Christmas and we’re proud of it so I send...
Pumping at work sucks (pun, yes, forgive me). These are the things I did when I pumped at work to help myself not go totally crazy. Please share what you did or are doing right now, too. I have a feeling all the pumping mamas out there could use all...
We kill time. We kill so much time. Of course you’d think having time to kill in Europe wouldn’t be the worst-case scenario, and you’d be sort of right, but rainy cold weather and hormones that have “depression” and “drowsiness” in the small print add up to more quiet...
Everyone knows that having a baby changes things in your life. There’s really no debating that. It can be odd, however, when you think about exactly what things changed when the baby came along. There are some major changes that everyone sees coming – you love the baby more than...
I don’t believe in engaging in the Mommy Wars. At all levels I think they’re awful. I truly believe that moms are all doing the very best that they can and that we should be working harder at supporting one another, instead of judging and tearing each other down. I’ve...