There are days when being a mom is truly unicorns and rainbows. Maybe your baby finally slept through the night or maybe he gave you so many kisses and hugs that your heart is overflowing. Whatever the case, you are loving motherhood. Then there are the days when your child...
I can only speak for myself, but when I think about my pre-baby life, it sometimes feels like a totally different existence. From making spontaneous, last-minute plans, going on random road trips, to bonding with my girlfriends over Sunday morning mimosas, I can confidently say that a lot has changed....
Before I began my breastfeeding journey, I was met with a lot of great advice, some not-so-good advice, and almost a complete lack of what I like to call “a warning would’ve been nice!” As much as I appreciated hearing anecdotal experiences about how to increase supply or fix a...
Do you find yourself trying so hard to be happy that you end up missing out on what’s really important in life? Do you feel like there is not enough time in the day to get things done, leading to a constant feeling of stress? Do you yell more than...
“Did I like the car when I was a baby?” my daughter recently asked, eyes wide and bright. I paused. I could tell her she hadn’t been a big fan of the car when she was a baby. That my work commute was long, that my time off was meager...
Have you ever spent an hour or so on Instagram, scrolling through the seemingly endless stream of mommy-blogs, only to suddenly start feeling sorry for yourself? I have. Don’t get me wrong; my life is good. My family is healthy, we have a roof over our heads, and plenty of...
It’s often implied that somewhere around the third trimester, pregnant women instinctively start to nest in anticipation of their newest little arrival. I’m not sure why this calling for me seems to manifest itself into baking pies, washing floorboards, and finally cleaning out those weird crumbs in the crevices in...
I love being a toddler-mom. There is something so magical about watching a tightly-swaddled little caterpillar of a baby transform into a reckless winged butterfly. There are few things I love more than watching my daughter learn, grow, and interact with the world around her. In fact, it often feels...
If I’m honest, the one thing that has really suffered since becoming a parent is my ability to fulfill my entertainment needs. Pre-baby, I could easily spend my days off work lying in bed, binge-watching an entire season on Netflix. I could crush a whole novel in one afternoon without...
We live in a world of constant motion and stimulus. We have goals, projects, shows to watch, social media feeds to scroll, places to go, and dear god; sometimes, it seems like the list of things we could be doing or should be doing never ends. Like many people, I...