Over the course of the first year, your baby will grow and change at an alarming rate and your daily routine will reflect that. Mrs. Milk from HelloBee shared how her baby’s daily schedule changed each month over the course of his first year. During the first three months, his...
Getting everything that you need for a new baby can be overwhelming—and expensive! SheKnows has come to the rescue with a list of 7 ways to save money on the big things that you will need for your baby. Baby products are available, both new and gently used, on buy...
What does Dad do with the kids when Mom has a night away? This dad planned a game night with some of his friends, and the little guy got to tag along too. Between pizza for dinner and playing games on the tablet, the 3-year-old was able to feel included...
Do you ever look back and laugh at the things that made you cry while you were pregnant? Parents wrote in to The Bump’s blog and shared their own funny stories. Sometimes watching something emotional on TV. Food can make you cry for a whole variety of reasons including getting...
Are your trips to the doctor full of high-fiving over all the good things you’re doing for your baby? Congratulations! You’re following “the rules”. Does your doctor have a few suggestions for you? One mom describes her experience with a doctor who told her that she’s doing pregnancy wrong. How...
You probably noticed that taking your kids with you means taking a whole lot of stuff along. Mrs. Confetti shares what’s in her diaper bag for her baby and potty trained toddler. For baby, it’s important to have bases covered for entertainment, diapers, and feeding. For potty trained kids, it’s...
Most diets could benefit from the addition of extra fresh vegetables, but it is extremely important for growing kids. Unfortunately, they may not be as enthusiastic about the benefits of vegetables as we are. Using a creative mix of fruit and veggies, you can make smoothies for your family that...
Before you had kids, you swore that you wouldn’t let a tiny child run the show. You promised to keep your baby away from screen time and food that isn’t organic and locally sourced. Maybe you promised that your house wouldn’t be covered in baby stuff. How has things changed...
Companies are starting to allow new parents to bring their infants along into the workplace. The Parenting in the Workplace Institute report about 200 companies in the United States participating. Guidelines are enforced to make the program run smoothly, such as only allowing non-crawling babies between 6 weeks and 6...
Over the last several years, the go-to for parenting has been to step in when your kids are about to fail, but this has been shown to have negative effects on self esteem. It’s time to get out of the “everyone gets a trophy” mindset and start setting our kids...