Category: News

5 clubs you never dreamed you’d join as a parent

With parenting, clubs are a given. They are usually things you’d expect: play groups, library group, PTA, etc. But there are some clubs you’d never expect existed. What follows is a list of the groups I’ve experienced, along with some pro tips to help you get through. We all expected...

6 favorite finds at The Biggest Baby Shower

Numerous new innovative and stylish items have arrived on the market to enhance life with your baby. Car seats are safer and diapers softer than ever before. Check out the latest in everything from toddler spoons that allow little ones to dip to subscription boxes that deliver fresh baby foods...

7 things I miss about being pregnant

Pregnancy is full of both ups and downs. After nine months the joy of seeing a baby come in to the world is overwhelming, but there are some things that moms end up missing. Amidst the ups and downs of her pregnancy this mom remembers seven aspects that she completely...

What do you wish you did before kids?

Heaving kids is rewarding but they can come with regrets of things you should have done before you had them. Baby center is a community of parents and the group has come up with a top five list of things they should have done before children. Finishing their education and...

Working to Keep Our Marriage Healthy

There are stresses than can affect your marriage. Work, children, financial stresses. It’s important to stay connected for a healthy marriage. The Dolphins live in the DC metro area. They walk to the metro together and take time to have a conversation on their commute. They watch tv together before...

How to Raise a Highly Sensitive Child

There is a way to raise a highly sensitive child. Raising a child that is very sensitive can be quite a challenge. They can be prone to tears when they are sensitive and tired. Their sensitivity can impact their schoolwork and many other areas of their life. It is important...

Transition from SAHM to Part – Time Working Mom

If you are a stay at home Mom who is thinking about getting a part-time job, there are several factors to consider. It can be intimidating to re-enter the workforce after an extended absence. This article offers a helpful perspective from one Mother who found that working part-time improved both...

There’s a New App for Moms Seeking Mom Friends

There’s a New App for Moms Seeking Mom Friends Look, we love anything that helps moms reach out to other moms. It’s a lonely gig sometimes, and there is exquisite joy in finding another soul who understands that you haven’t pooped without someone on your lap for three weeks straight....