Category: News

These parents keep the internet LOLing

Parenthood is a never ending job, but as in all work there is humor in it. These mothers have relayed on tweeter what their kids have said, and their humorous thoughts on their children. It is fascinating to see the sense of humor that these mothers after a tiring day...

When Food Makes Your Child Sick- Allergies and Parenting

Allergic reactions are deadly for children. Regretfully, sometimes allergic reactions happen, but taking the proper steps can assure a child’s survival. Epipens are a must have if your child has an allergic reaction, because this rush of epinephrine can delay the child’s reaction long enough to be rushed to the...

Movement and Its Impact on Your Health

Being healthy can be traced to a number of factors for all plants and animals, including humans, but the one thing they all have in common is movement. Just as plants need the slight stirring of the wind in the leaves to stimulate root growth and development, so we need...