Tag: mom stuff

An incredibly important question

I rolled over for what felt like the millionth time, hoping a change in my position would help the pit in my stomach dissipate. There was something I knew I needed to do, but the thought of actually doing it made my anxiety level skyrocket. I needed to ask a friend...

Until he says “when”

It’s been pretty much the same since he was two years old—right when we moved him into a “big boy bed.” He wiggles his toes in the water as I rinse his hair with the plastic measuring cup he’ll use to “make coffee” while he soaks. I wrap him up...

A letter to my sister-in-law

Last weekend, I sat on your back deck as our three kids played. We laughed, chatted, and discussed the very imminent arrival of your third baby. When we married brothers, I honestly had no idea that I would enjoy your company so much. I am so happy that I get...

The “did-do” list

During the first few weeks of my son’s life, I went to bed every night totally exhausted (shocking!) and totally disappointed in myself. Even though the clock flipped through a full 16(ish) hours since I’d set foot out of bed, I felt I had very little to show for it...

5 tips for more successful pumping at work

I’ll go ahead and say it: pumping sucks (pun totally intended, by the way). Compared to the feeling of your little one tucking into you as you marvel over every inch of his or her sweet face, the idea of hooking yourself up to a nicely-packaged milking machine is about...

Important, supportive phrases to say to your loved ones

Mothers are typically seen as supportive care-givers in realms outside of the parenthood bubble as well as in, and you might find yourself being approached for support and help after going through the experience of pregnancy and child rearing yourself. This great article from Hands Free Mama lists a number...

Being Thankful For Modern Life as a Mother

“Respect your elders” is a phrase often heard while growing up that as adults, most of us don’t give much thought to. Listening to the hardships of parenting past quickly gives you a new perspective on what it’s like having and raising a baby today. In this article at the...

Fat Shaming Moms and Unjust Judgments

Fat shaming is nothing new, but after bringing a baby into the world and dealing with extra weight that doesn’t want to come off, you gain a new perspective along with the pounds. You realize that your extra fluff does not necessarily mean you’re unhealthy – in fact, you could...

This is Why You’re an Awesome Mom

Everyone has a rough day once in a while. We all doubt our abilities sometimes, or wish things weren’t the way they are, or wish we could do better or be better people. The truth is, we probably beat ourselves up too much. Parenting is hard! You’re doing far better...